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Bookworm Gang Returns

Project type

Social Campaign


Sep 2021





You've probably heard about Singapore's cleanliness from your foreign friends- but is Singapore actually that clean and green according to Singaporeans? Well, we went ahead and decide to not just question Singaporeans- but to bring back an old friend of ours that most Singaporeans have forgotten.

If you're old enough to remember what TCS was, chances are you would've heard of the Bookworm Gang. Those were the times- when everything was simple and looking forward to reading a new chapter of the Bookworm Gang was it. So what better way to talk about the next chapter of being clean and green in Singapore, by reintroducing our old friends to the new generation?

We featured Singaporeans who've been outstanding in maintaining Singapore's clean and green status- by having them engage in adventures with the Bookworm gang in a new beautifully illustrated comics series.

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